Pectoralis Stretch – Reduce Poor Posture
The pectoralis major muscle is a thick, fan-shaped, situated at the chest of the human body. It makes up the bulk of the chest muscles in the male and lies under the breast tissue in the female. Underneath the pectoralis major is the pectoralis minor muscle.
Both these muscle will attribute to upper cross-syndrome, leading to a rounding of the upper back. Over time this poor posture will upper back pain, poor scapula (shoulder blade) control, and even nerve compression in the anterior portion of the shoulder.
Watch the video below to see Dr. Shepard perform a pecotralis major and pectoralis minor stretch exercise.
Another key factor to overly tight chest muscles is having weak upper back muscles or upper back muscles that will not activate correctly. Learn how to correctly activate your Serratus Anterior muscle to further reduce upper-cross syndrome. You will find the video on how to perform that exercise here ->

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Shepard by using the information below.