The following neck exercises use concepts from dynamic neuromuscular stabilization to relieve chronic upper back tightness and reduce neck pain.
I love the concept of “regress to progress” in making someone better through movement therapy. This is what DNS looks at doing by breaking down how we move and hold our body postures.
Here are two very simple neck pain exercises that you can do to reduce strain on the muscles, achey joints or a trapped nerve in the neck and upper back region. He will explain to you where the idea of how to hold and move your neck properly comes from looking at how babies do it. I hope you enjoy the following rehabilitation movements.
Here are two very simple neck pain exercises that you can do to reduce strain on the muscles, achey joints or a trapped nerve in the neck and upper back region. He will explain to you where the idea of how to hold and move your neck properly comes from looking at how babies do it. I hope you enjoy the following rehabilitation movements.
most people have the same findings with a good functional exam.
These findings did not just spontaneously develop, they stem from movement patterns developed in childhood.
If one does not develop good stable support on their elbows and belly when a baby then they have to overuse their neck and upper shoulder muscles to lift their head. This causes neck pain later in life. The exercises below will help to reduce neck pain and relax chronic neck tightness.
Exercise Position 1
You maybe thinking, “I can not do this exercise while at work or without being able to lie on the floor.” While at work or in your car we can do variations that help restore proper neck movement and stretch the overactive muscles.
This exercise is designed to improve function of the neck muscles.

Step 1

Step 2
Lay on your stomach with your arms above your head and elbows bent at 90°
Place your forehead on the table
Slightly tuck your chin and gently press your elbows into the table while lowering your shoulder blades downward
Raise your entire head off the table focusing to make the majority of the movement come from your upper back
Hold for 2 secs and return your forehead to the table
Repeat 10 times for 3 reps
Your chin should not move during this exercise and you should not look up. Your neck and shoulder muscles should be relaxed. Make sure the movement comes from your upper back.
Exercise Position 2
These exercises can help reduce neck pain and keep your neck muscles balanced, but if you or someone you know are dealing with neck pain, it is best to see your local chiropractor/manual therapist to get an exam performed. It is important to find out what muscles and joints are involved.

Step 1

Step 2
Start seated in a chair sitting up tall
Move your head back as far as you can while keeping your chin tucked
You should remain looking straight ahead, do not look down
This is retracted position. Once you have achieved retraction, use one of your hands to gently push yourself into more retraction
Hold for a few secs and relax
Repeat as much as necessary, minimum 1 set every waking hour.
Remain looking straight ahead at all times. A mid-backed chair is optimal for this exercise. This can be done anywhere at any time.