Mckenzie Exercises for Better Back Stability
If you do not have a strong low back to act as an fixum putnam or fixed position one would not be able to generate enough force to complete most tasks in space. Proper movement of the pelvis in particular is critical in the gait cycle. A misalignment of the pelvis...
Hip Flexor Stretch
The hip flexors are comprised of your psoas major, psoas minor, and iliacus muscles. The psoas muscle in particular is one of the most commonly used muscles in the body yet most people have never heard of it. The main role of the psoas muscle is to flex (or bend) the...
DNS (Dynamic Nueromuscular Stabilization) is a new revolutionary European treatment approach.
DNS (Dynamic Nueromuscular Stabilization) is a new revolutionary European approach for a treatment to back pain, neck pain, ankle pain, and a variety of other neuro-muscular (nerve or muscle) conditions. DNS therapy is based on neuroplasticity (a big word for the...
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