Dead Bug
Patient is lying on their back with arms straight into the air towards the ceiling. Hips and knees are both bent to 90°. Core activation is established and coordinated with breathing. Patient then straightens one limb at a time and improves to contra-lateral limb...
The Importance of a STRONG Gluteus Medius
One muscle that is usually weak on individuals with hip and low back pain is the gluteus medius muscle. It is a muscle that abducts the leg, or brings the leg away from the midline of the body. Think of it in this way. It works to move your leg away from your belly...
Why we need to emphasize low back pain exercises not abdominals when training runners.
An emphasis is always placed on core exercises (anterior abdominals) over any type of exercise when it comes to training runners. Unfortunately little attention is paid to the low back (specifically low back pain exercises) , glutes, or hip flexors. Without strong...
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