One of the common issues with people who have overly tight jaw muscles is they start to hear a clicking or popping noise while opening their jaw.
To quickly assess your jaw, ask yourself the following questions (look into a mirror while doing so if you like).
- Do you have to over extend (tip your head back) when you try to open your mouth all the way?
- Does your jaw deviate (shift from side to side) at any point when you’re opening your jaw all the way?
- Do you wake up with jaw soreness or when you take your fingers and lightly press below your cheek bones – is it tender?
These are some of the questions I would ask when evaluating your Tempro-Mandibular Joint (TMJ). Tempro-Mandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is a common condition for individuals that are under constant stress. By releasing / lengthening your jaw muscles and using simple at home exercises, you can relax and alleviate jaw tension.
Dr. Matt Shepard