Active Release Technique – Dr. Shepard’s Explanation
Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) is a highly successful systematic approach to injuries of muscle, tendons, nerves and the surrounding soft tissues. Active Release Technique uses a medically patented massage technique to treat soft tissue adhesions with the aid...
Fueling for a GOOD Start and Finish
This is not the typical topic for my blog articles. Typically I write about a specific exercise or condition, but as I continue to get more into running I've found that WHAT and HOW MUCH I should eat and drink for my prerace breakfast is important. Like more runners...
“He who treats the sight of pain is lost…” Karel Lewit
Since I began my studies at both professional school and through my own interests, this quote has never rung so true. I have had the great opportunity to study under several Active Release Technique and Dynamic Nueromuscular Stabilization (DNS) teachers, who utilize...
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